General area in which the failure occurred. See the UsbError class.
Declaration Syntax
C# | Visual Basic | Visual C++ |
public enum ErrorCode
Public Enumeration ErrorCode
public enum class ErrorCode
Member | Description |
None |
No error. (None, Success, and Ok)
Success |
No error.
Ok |
No error.
InvalidConfig |
The USB device has errors in its Configuration descriptor.
IoSyncFailed |
A synchronous device IO operation failed.
GetString |
A request for a string failed.
InvalidEndpoint |
A specified endpoint is invalid for the operation.
AbortEndpoint |
A request to cancel IO operation failed.
DeviceIoControl |
A call to the core Win32 API DeviceIOControl failed.
GetOverlappedResult |
A call to the core Win32 API GetOverlappedResult failed.
ReceiveThreadTerminated |
An Endpoints receive thread was dangerously terminated.
WriteFailed |
A write operation failed.
ReadFailed |
A read operation failed.
IoControlMessage |
An endpoint 0 IO control message failed.
CancelIoFailed |
The action of cancelling the IO operation failed.
IoCancelled |
An IO operation was cancelled by the user before it completed.
IoTimedOut |
An IO operation timed out before it completed.
IoEndpointGlobalCancelRedo |
An IO operation was cancelled and will be re-submiited when ready.
GetDeviceKeyValueFailed |
Failed retrieving a custom USB device key value.
SetDeviceKeyValueFailed |
Failed setting a custom USB device key value.
Win32Error |
The error is a standard windows error.
DeviceAllreadyLocked |
An attempt was made to lock a device that is already locked.
EndpointAllreadyLocked |
An attempt was made to lock an endpoint that is already locked.
DeviceNotFound |
The USB device request failed because the USB device was not found.
UserAborted |
Operation was intentionally cancelled by the user or application.
InvalidParam |
Invalid parameter.
AccessDenied |
Access denied (insufficient permissions).
ResourceBusy |
Resource Busy.
Overflow |
PipeError |
Pipe error or endpoint halted.
Interrupted |
System call interrupted (perhaps due to signal).
InsufficientMemory |
Insufficient memory.
NotSupported |
Operation not supported or unimplemented on this platform.
UnknownError |
Unknown or other error.
MonoApiError |
The error is one of the MonoUsbError |